1. Immigration and language diversity in the United States;Rumbaut;Daedalus,2013
2. U.S. Census Bureau Detailed languages spoken at home and ability to speak English for the population 5 years and over: 2009-13 American community survey 2015 www.census.gov/data/tables/2013/demo/2009-2013-lang-tables.html
3. Migration Policy Institute The limited English proficient population in the United States Washington, DC Migration Policy Institute 2015
4. Migration Policy Institute tabulations from the U.S. Census Bureau's pooled 2009-13 American community survey: Table B16001, language spoken at home by ability to speak English for the population 5 years and over factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/community_facts.xhtml
5. Asian Pacific Islander American Health Forum Connecting limited English proficient individuals to health care services: the important role of community-based organizations 2017 www.apiahf.org/resource/connecting-limited-english-proficient-individuals-to-health-care-services-the-important-role-of-community-based-organizations/