Abdullah Muhammad Luthfi,Sumardiono Arif,Nila Praja Handayani
Strengthening character is one of the major agendas in the education of the Indonesian people. A noble character is one part of the goal of national culture. One method of planting lofty morals is the qissah qur'ani and nabawi methods. Unfortunately, these methods are still mostly in the area of educational institutions. Therefore, there is a need for media that can facilitate the learning of students wherever they are. One of them is a smartphone device with the Android operating system. This study aims to (1) develop Android-based Islamic Education (PAI) learning media on qissah qur'ani and nabawi material; (2) testing the feasibility of the learning media developed; and (3) testing the effect of the use of learning media developed on the students' noble morals. This research is a Research and Development study. The chosen research subjects were students of the University of August 17, 1945, Cirebon. Researchers limit the topics studied are students who contract PAI courses. Based on the assessment questionnaire by material experts, it was found that the percentage of each aspect (%) was equal to 91.25% and the assessment questionnaire by learning media experts was 78.25% so that it could be concluded that the learning media of the Android application Akhlaq Mulia could be said to be very feasible to use, and based on trial of usage through the pretest-posttest control group design experimental design, there are differences in the development of the noble character of the innovative class and control class students. In other words, the increase in the noble morals of students who received treatment through the android learning media (experimental class) had a significant positive effect.
Al-Hayat Al-Istiqomah Foundation
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2 articles.