Method of rational choice of unmanned aircraft for construction of telecommunication aeroplatforms.


Danyliuk I.,Radchenko M.,Shapoval V.,Sidorkin P.


The aviation market of unmanned aerial systems is saturated with unmanned vehicles, diverse in their purpose, classes, technical level, and cost. To select a suitable unmanned aerial vehicle for building a telecommunications air platform, the authors propose a methodology that addresses the task of constructing a telecommunications air platform as part of the ground-air network of military communication systems with a multitude of significant factors. Given that when making a choice, most researchers in various fields tend to employ the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method with expert involvement, the authors of this article recommend applying this method when selecting an unmanned aviation complex variant for constructing the aforementioned telecommunications air platform. The methodology consists of the following AHP stages: defining the analysis objective, identifying key parameters and variants, constructing a hierarchy tree from the objective through the parameters to the variants, creating matrices of pairwise comparisons for parameters by objective and variants by parameters, determining the weights of variants within the hierarchy system. The provided calculations for choosing an unmanned aviation complex variant have led to the following conclusions: the Analytic Hierarchy Process method aligns with the need for an expeditious justification of decisions regarding the selection of an unmanned aviation complex variant to fulfill the tasks of telecommunications air platforms in the presence of a group of experts with relevant qualifications in the research field. The authors consider the possibility of using the proposed methodology for the rational selection of equipment (for example, unmanned aerial vehicle) for the development of new protocols and algorithms for the functioning of self-organizing radio networks based on unmanned aerial vehicles as directions for further research.


Scientific Journals Publishing House

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