Approach to determining the technical state of microprocessor systems implemented on software-reconfiguration logic.


Shtanenko S.,Samokhvalov Y.,Toliupa S.


The article proposes an approach to determining the technical state of microprocessor systems implemented on programmable logic device (PLD). An analysis of the existing methods and ways of determining the technical condition of microprocessor systems implemented on one or more large/very large integrated circuits (LSI/VLSI) with a rigid internal architecture is carried out, the disadvantages and advantages are given. In order to improve the efficiency of determining the technical state of microprocessor systems implemented on software-reconfigurable logic, the article proposes to intellectualize the procedure of control, detection and localization of faults by using a neural network, while implementing the concept of creating a neural network system for recognizing the technical state. Note that the task of determining the technical condition of complex technical systems, which are microprocessor systems, coincides with the passing of pattern recognition according to many criteria, therefore, using a neural network, it is possible to achieve higher results in diagnosing malfunctions of microprocessor systems compared to classical diagnostic systems. It is assumed that the proposed diagnostic system with elements of artificial intelligence will be directly embedded in the microprocessor system, while implementing the concept of embedded control and diagnostic systems. The implementation of the proposed approach thanks to the application of intelligent systems will allow to significantly increase the reliability of determining the technical state of microprocessor systems and, as a result, can become the basis for the design of highly reliable, durable, resilient, cyber-resistant complex technical systems.


Scientific Journals Publishing House

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