Analysis of the technical maintenance system state of electronic communication equipment in a special-purpose network


Mogylevych D.,Dolzhenko H.


The implementation of a large number of state-of-the-art communication devices and their operation in combat conditions requires an analysis of the state of technical maintenance and repair systems, taking into account the actual conditions of communication system operation. An analysis of recent publications on the organization of technical maintenance of electronic communication equipment of special-purpose networks has been conducted, revealing a lack of research on the assessment of the impact of technical maintenance on the functioning of communication systems. In modern conditions, external and internal factors of negative influence affect the communication system. The preservation or automatic restoration of the ability to perform all or certain functions of the communication system under the influence of operational failures, deliberate damage, interference in information exchange and processing, as well as errors by the servicing personnel, is ensured by the functional stability of the system. Prevention and mitigation of the impact of destabilizing internal factors affecting the communication system are provided by the system of technical maintenance and repair. The existing technical maintenance system is outdated and does not take into account the operating conditions of communication devices. The limited number of known models of technical maintenance objects is insufficient for the study of technical maintenance of existing and prospective equipment models. The application of a large range of modern electronic communication equipment without an adequate technical maintenance system can lead to a disruption in the functioning of the communication system and loss of command over the troops. Further research will focus on improving methods of building technical maintenance models, considering the fulfillment of communication system requirements for operation.


Scientific Journals Publishing House

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