1. G. Giorgidze. HCodecs 2014. URL https://hackage.haskell. org/package/HCodecs. G. Giorgidze. HCodecs 2014. URL https://hackage.haskell. org/package/HCodecs.
2. P. Hudak. Euterpea 2014. URL http://haskell.cs.yale.edu/ euterpea/. P. Hudak. Euterpea 2014. URL http://haskell.cs.yale.edu/ euterpea/.
3. P. H. Liu. PortMidi 2015. URL https://hackage.haskell.org/ package/PortMidi. P. H. Liu. PortMidi 2015. URL https://hackage.haskell.org/ package/PortMidi.
4. Making Music with Computers
5. Rethinking the Computer Music Language: SuperCollider