1. M. Butler and Y. N. Part "An Investigation of the Performance of Various Dynamic Scheduling Techniques " Proceedings of the ~5th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture December 1992. M. Butler and Y. N. Part "An Investigation of the Performance of Various Dynamic Scheduling Techniques " Proceedings of the ~5th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture December 1992.
2. Next cache line and set prediction
3. Optimization of instruction fetch mechanisms for high issue rates
4. S. Durra and M. Franklin "Control Flow Prediction with Tree-Like Subgraphs for Supcrscalar Processors '' Proceedings of the ~Sth Annual International Symposium on Microarchgtecture November 1995. S. Durra and M. Franklin "Control Flow Prediction with Tree-Like Subgraphs for Supcrscalar Processors '' Proceedings of the ~Sth Annual International Symposium on Microarchgtecture November 1995.
5. L. Gwennap "Digital Leads the Pack with 21164 " Microprocessor Report September 1994. L. Gwennap "Digital Leads the Pack with 21164 " Microprocessor Report September 1994.