1. When do group projects widen the student experience gap?
2. Results of a large-scale, multi-institutional study of undergraduate retention in computing
3. CS-POGIL: Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning in Computer Science; http://cspogil.org/What+is+POGIL. Accessed 2017 May 10. CS-POGIL: Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning in Computer Science; http://cspogil.org/What+is+POGIL. Accessed 2017 May 10.
4. Drake P. Beetle. EngageCSEdu; https://www.engage-csedu.org/find-resources/beetle. Accessed 2017 May 19. Drake P. Beetle. EngageCSEdu ; https://www.engage-csedu.org/find-resources/beetle. Accessed 2017 May 19.
5. EngageCSEdu Collaborative Learning; https://www.engage-csedu.org/engagement/grow-positive-student-community/collaborative-learning. Accessed 2017 May 10. EngageCSEdu Collaborative Learning; https://www.engage-csedu.org/engagement/grow-positive-student-community/collaborative-learning. Accessed 2017 May 10.