Polynomial-time trace reconstruction in the smoothed complexity model


Chen Xi1,De Anindya2,Lee Chin Ho3,Servedio Rocco A.1,Sinha Sandip1


1. Columbia University, USA

2. University of Pennsylvania, USA

3. Harvard University, USA


In the trace reconstruction problem , an unknown source string x ∈ {0, 1} n is sent through a probabilistic deletion channel which independently deletes each bit with probability δ and concatenates the surviving bits, yielding a trace of x . The problem is to reconstruct x given independent traces. This problem has received much attention in recent years both in the worst-case setting where x may be an arbitrary string in {0, 1} n [DOS19, NP17, HHP18, HL20, Cha21a, Cha21b] and in the average-case setting where x is drawn uniformly at random from {0, 1} n [PZ17, HPP18, HL20, Cha21a, Cha21b]. This paper studies trace reconstruction in the smoothed analysis setting, in which a “worst-case” string x worst is chosen arbitrarily from {0, 1} n , and then a perturbed version x of x worst is formed by independently replacing each coordinate by a uniform random bit with probability σ . The problem is to reconstruct x given independent traces from it. Our main result is an algorithm which, for any constant perturbation rate 0 < σ < 1 and any constant deletion rate 0 < δ < 1, uses poly( n ) running time and traces and succeeds with high probability in reconstructing the string x. This stands in contrast with the worst-case version of the problem, for which \(\text{exp}(\tilde{O}(n^{1/5})) \) is the best known time and sample complexity [Cha21b]. Our approach is based on reconstructing x from the multiset of its short subwords and is quite different from previous algorithms for either the worst-case or average-case versions of the problem. The heart of our work is a new poly( n )-time procedure for reconstructing the multiset of all O (log  n )-length subwords of any source string x ∈ {0, 1} n given access to traces of x .


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Mathematics (miscellaneous)

Reference30 articles.

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