1. John Dewey . 1899. The School and Society . The University of Chicago Press , Chicago . Illinois. U. S. A. John Dewey. 1899. The School and Society. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Illinois. U. S. A.
2. William H. Kilpatrick . 1929. The Project Method The Use of the Purposeful Act in the Educative Process . Teachers College , Columbia University , New York. William H. Kilpatrick. 1929. The Project Method The Use of the Purposeful Act in the Educative Process. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.
3. Stanislav T. Shatsky . 198 0. Selected pedagogical essays . Pedagogy , Moscow . Stanislav T. Shatsky. 1980. Selected pedagogical essays. Pedagogy, Moscow.
4. Vladimir S. Zaitsev. 2012. Modern pedagogical technologies: a textbook. ChSPU Chelyabinsk. Vladimir S. Zaitsev. 2012. Modern pedagogical technologies: a textbook. ChSPU Chelyabinsk.
5. Lydmila N. Olontseva. 2019. Project activity as an effective form of organization of the educational process (on the example of studying the discipline "Design"). School pedagogy. 2 15 12−19. https://moluch.ru/th/2/archive/129/4355/ Lydmila N. Olontseva. 2019. Project activity as an effective form of organization of the educational process (on the example of studying the discipline "Design"). School pedagogy. 2 15 12−19. https://moluch.ru/th/2/archive/129/4355/