Input Distribution Coverage: Measuring Feature Interaction Adequacy in Neural Network Testing


Dola Swaroopa1ORCID,Dwyer Matthew B.1ORCID,Soffa Mary Lou1ORCID


1. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA


Testing deep neural networks (DNNs) has garnered great interest in the recent years due to their use in many applications. Black-box test adequacy measures are useful for guiding the testing process in covering the input domain. However, the absence of input specifications makes it challenging to apply black-box test adequacy measures in DNN testing. The Input Distribution Coverage (IDC) framework addresses this challenge by using a variational autoencoder to learn a low dimensional latent representation of the input distribution, and then using that latent space as a coverage domain for testing. IDC applies combinatorial interaction testing on a partitioning of the latent space to measure test adequacy. Empirical evaluation demonstrates that IDC is cost-effective, capable of detecting feature diversity in test inputs, and more sensitive than prior work to test inputs generated using different DNN test generation methods. The findings demonstrate that IDC overcomes several limitations of white-box DNN coverage approaches by discounting coverage from unrealistic inputs and enabling the calculation of test adequacy metrics that capture the feature diversity present in the input space of DNNs.


National Science Foundation awards

The Air Force Office of Scientific Research

Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)



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