1. Joe Armstrong. 2007. Programming Erlang: software for a concurrent world. Pragmatic Bookshelf. Joe Armstrong. 2007. Programming Erlang: software for a concurrent world. Pragmatic Bookshelf.
2. Verifying a Distributed Database Lookup Manager Written in Erlang
3. Yves Bertot and Pierre Castéran. 2013. Interactive theorem proving and program development: Coq’Art: the calculus of inductive constructions . Springer Science & Business Media. Yves Bertot and Pierre Castéran. 2013. Interactive theorem proving and program development: Coq’Art: the calculus of inductive constructions . Springer Science & Business Media.
4. Tim Carsten. 2013. Verlang repository. "https://github.com/tcarstens/verlang"
5. . (2013). Accessed: 2017-05-26. Tim Carsten. 2013. Verlang repository. "https://github.com/tcarstens/verlang"