1. Building a secure mHealth data sharing infrastructure over NDN
2. Named Data Networking Project . Ndn testbed , 2022 . https://named-data.net/ndn-testbed/. Named Data Networking Project. Ndn testbed, 2022. https://named-data.net/ndn-testbed/.
3. Trust schemas and ICN
4. Nichols , K. Trust schemas and icn: Key to secure home iot. ICN '21 , Association for Computing Machinery . Nichols, K. Trust schemas and icn: Key to secure home iot. ICN '21, Association for Computing Machinery.
5. The mGuard Team. A secure real-time data distribution system with fine-grained access control for mhealth research , 2022 . The mGuard Team. A secure real-time data distribution system with fine-grained access control for mhealth research, 2022.