1. Alexander. G.B. Computer aids for authors and editors: A natural extension of word processing and typesetting? Seybold Rep. Publ. Syst. 13 10 {Feb. 13. 1984) 3-21. Alexander. G.B. Computer aids for authors and editors: A natural extension of word processing and typesetting? Seybold Rep. Publ. Syst. 13 10 {Feb. 13. 1984) 3-21.
2. American National Standards Institute. Infornuzfio~~ Processi lg-Text and Office Systems-Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). IS0 8879-1986 (E) ANSI New York. 1986. (First edition: Oct. 15. 1986.) American National Standards Institute. Infornuzfio~~ Processi lg-Text and Office Systems-Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). IS0 8879-1986 (E) ANSI New York. 1986. (First edition: Oct. 15. 1986.)
3. Association of American Publishers. Electronic Maruscript Project: Task I Report. Aspen Systems Rockville. Md. 1984. Association of American Publishers. Electronic Maruscript Project: Task I Report. Aspen Systems Rockville. Md. 1984.
4. Association of American Publishers. Standard for EIwtrmtic Manuscript Preparafion and Markup. Electronic Manuscript Series. Association of American Publishers. Washington D.C. Feb. 1986. Association of American Publishers. Standard for EIwtrmtic Manuscript Preparafion and Markup. Electronic Manuscript Series. Association of American Publishers. Washington D.C. Feb. 1986.