1. Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist Scope of Practice: http://www.acvrep.org/Certified-Orientation-and-Mobility-Specialist-Scope-of-Practice.php. Accessed: 2010-04-15. Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist Scope of Practice: http://www.acvrep.org/Certified-Orientation-and-Mobility-Specialist-Scope-of-Practice.php. Accessed: 2010-04-15.
2. Cooper A. 2004. The inmates are running the asylum. Sams. Cooper A. 2004. The inmates are running the asylum . Sams.
3. Corbin J. and Strauss A. L. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Sage Publications. Corbin J. and Strauss A. L. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques . Sage Publications.
4. The user as a sensor
5. Improving public transit accessibility for blind riders