1. A. Giuliano K. Ayari M. D. Penta F. Khomh and Y.Gaël Guéhéneuc. Is it a bug or an enhancement?: a text-based approach to classify change requests."In Proceedings of the 2008 conference of the center for advanced studies on collaborative research: meeting of minds p. 23. ACM 2008. 10.1145/1463788.1463819 A. Giuliano K. Ayari M. D. Penta F. Khomh and Y.Gaël Guéhéneuc. Is it a bug or an enhancement?: a text-based approach to classify change requests."In Proceedings of the 2008 conference of the center for advanced studies on collaborative research: meeting of minds p. 23. ACM 2008. 10.1145/1463788.1463819
2. Fuzzy set and cache-based approach for bug triaging
3. Fuzzy set-based automatic bug triaging (NIER track)
4. Apache. http://hc.apache.org/ Apache. http://hc.apache.org/
5. Apache. http://jackrabbit.apache.org/ Apache. http://jackrabbit.apache.org/