1. Basic Challenges to Prisoner Reentry
2. Demelza Baer, Avinash Bhati, Lisa Brooks, Jennifer Castro, Nancy La Vigne, Kamala Mallik, Rebecca Naser, Jenny Osborne, John Roman, Shelli Rossman, Christy Visher, and Laura Winterfield. 2006. Understanding the Challenges of Prisoner Reentry: Research Findings from the Urban Institute’s Prisoner Reentry Portfolio. Reentry Research Findings (2006). https://www.ncjrs.gov/App/abstractdb/AbstractDBDetails.aspx?id=235103
3. Jennifer E Cobbina. 2009. From prison to home: Women’s pathways in and out of crime. University of Missouri-Saint Louis.
4. Richard Freeman. 2003. Can we close the revolving door?: Recidivism vs. employment of ex-offenders in the US.Prisoner Reentry Roundtable, New York University. (2003), 1–19.
5. Laura E. Gorgol and Brian A. Sponsler. 2011. Unlocking potential: Results of a national survey of postsecondary education in state prisons. May (2011), 1–28. http://www.ihep.org/assets/files/publications/s-z/Unlocking_Potential-PSCE_FINAL_REPORT_May_2011.pdf