1. It Takes a Village: A Case for Including Extended Family Members in the Joint Oversight of Family-based Privacy and Security for Mobile Smartphones
2. Mamtaj Akter, Madiha Tabassum, Nazmus Sakib Miazi, Leena Alghamdi, Jess Kropczynski, Pamela J Wisniewski, and Heather Lipford. 2023. Evaluating the impact of community oversight for managing mobile privacy and security. In Nineteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2023). 437–456.
3. Monica Anderson. 2016. Parents, Teens and Digital Monitoring. Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech. https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2016/01/07/parents-teens-and-digital-monitoring/
4. Beyond Parental Control: Designing Adolescent Online Safety Apps Using Value Sensitive Design
5. Managing Expectations