1. Extending the power of programming by examples
2. Roberto Bachi Proposals for the Development of Selected Graphical Methods appearing in: Graphical Presentation of Statistical Information Bureau of the Census Technical Paper No. 43 136 Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association Social Statistics Section Boston Massachusetts August 23- 26 1976 pp. 23 - 68.]] Roberto Bachi Proposals for the Development of Selected Graphical Methods appearing in: Graphical Presentation of Statistical Information Bureau of the Census Technical Paper No. 43 136 Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association Social Statistics Section Boston Massachusetts August 23- 26 1976 pp. 23 - 68.]]
3. Ron Baecker Sorting out Sorting 16mm color sound film 25 minutes Dynamics Graphics Project Computer Systems Research Institute University of Toronto Toronto Ontario Canada 1981.]] Ron Baecker Sorting out Sorting 16mm color sound film 25 minutes Dynamics Graphics Project Computer Systems Research Institute University of Toronto Toronto Ontario Canada 1981.]]