1. {1} Erich Gamma. Design Patterns. U.S. Addison-Wesley Pub Co. {1} Erich Gamma. Design Patterns. U.S. Addison-Wesley Pub Co.
2. {2} Didier Martin. Professional XML. U.K. Wrox Press. {2} Didier Martin. Professional XML. U.K. Wrox Press.
3. {3} Stephen T. Mohr. Designing Distributed Applications with XML ASP IE5 LDAP & MSMQ. U.K. Wrox Press. {3} Stephen T. Mohr. Designing Distributed Applications with XML ASP IE5 LDAP & MSMQ. U.K. Wrox Press.
4. {4} Sun Microsystems Inc. JavaTM Servlet 2.3 and JavaServer PagesTM 1.2 Specfications. {4} Sun Microsystems Inc. Java TM Servlet 2.3 and JavaServer Pages TM 1.2 Specfications.
5. {5} Sun Microsystems Inc. JavaServer PagesTM Standard Tag Library Specification. {5} Sun Microsystems Inc. JavaServer Pages TM Standard Tag Library Specification.