Aggregating inconsistent information


Ailon Nir1,Charikar Moses2,Newman Alantha3


1. Google Research, New York, NY

2. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

3. DIMACS, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ


We address optimization problems in which we are given contradictory pieces of input information and the goal is to find a globally consistent solution that minimizes the extent of disagreement with the respective inputs. Specifically, the problems we address are rank aggregation, the feedback arc set problem on tournaments, and correlation and consensus clustering. We show that for all these problems (and various weighted versions of them), we can obtain improved approximation factors using essentially the same remarkably simple algorithm. Additionally, we almost settle a long-standing conjecture of Bang-Jensen and Thomassen and show that unless NP⊆BPP, there is no polynomial time algorithm for the problem of minimum feedback arc set in tournaments.


National Science Foundation

U.S. Department of Energy


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Artificial Intelligence,Hardware and Architecture,Information Systems,Control and Systems Engineering,Software

Reference38 articles.

1. Ailon N. 2008. Aggregation of partial rankings p-ratings and top-m lists. Algorithmica. DOI 10.1007/s00453-008-9211-1. 10.1007/s00453-008-9211-1 Ailon N. 2008. Aggregation of partial rankings p-ratings and top-m lists. Algorithmica. DOI 10.1007/s00453-008-9211-1. 10.1007/s00453-008-9211-1

2. Fitting tree metrics: Hierarchical clustering and Phylogeny

3. Aggregating inconsistent information

4. Ranking Tournaments

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1. A better LP rounding for feedback arc set on tournaments;Theoretical Computer Science;2024-11

2. Consensus task interaction trace recommender to guide developers’ software navigation;Empirical Software Engineering;2024-09-02

3. A new temporal interpretation of cluster editing;Journal of Computer and System Sciences;2024-09

4. Noisy Sorting Capacity;IEEE Transactions on Information Theory;2024-09

5. Scalable Multitask Learning Using Gradient-based Estimation of Task Affinity;Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining;2024-08-24







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