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2. Prolegomena to any future artificial moral agent
3. Charles Altieri. 1987. Style as the Man: What Wittgenstein offers for speculating on Expressive Activity. The Journal of aesthetics and art criticism46 (1987) 177--192. Charles Altieri. 1987. Style as the Man: What Wittgenstein offers for speculating on Expressive Activity. The Journal of aesthetics and art criticism46 (1987) 177--192.
4. Two Decades of Evolutionary Art Using Computational Ecosystems and Its Potential for Virtual Worlds
5. Jason Bailey. 2018. The AI Art At Christie's Is Not What You Think. https://goo.gl/CS8fiS. Jason Bailey. 2018. The AI Art At Christie's Is Not What You Think. https://goo.gl/CS8fiS.