1. Cuba Larry. The Rules of the Game Computer Graphics World Vol 2 #8 1979 pp. 52-55 Cuba Larry. The Rules of the Game Computer Graphics World Vol 2 #8 1979 pp. 52-55
2. Davis Douglas Art and the Future New York: Praeger 1973 Davis Douglas Art and the Future New York: Praeger 1973
3. Dietrich Frank/ Molnar Zsuzsa. Pictures by Funny Numbers Creative Computing Vol 7 #6 1981 pp.102-107 Dietrich Frank/ Molnar Zsuzsa. Pictures by Funny Numbers Creative Computing Vol 7 #6 1981 pp.102-107
4. Franke Herbert W. Computer Graphics - Computer Art. New York: Phaidon 1973 Franke Herbert W. Computer Graphics - Computer Art. New York: Phaidon 1973