1. Boundary Crossing and Boundary Objects
2. An undergraduate degree in data science
3. J. Bates , P. Andrews , and E. Nunn . 2017. Learning with Data Scientists: reflections on teaching critical data studies to postgraduate Data Science students . In Proceedings of the 2nd Data Power Conference 2017 . https://carleton.ca/datapower/wp-content/uploads/DataPower 2017 _Program_FINAL-2-1.pdf J. Bates, P. Andrews, and E. Nunn. 2017. Learning with Data Scientists: reflections on teaching critical data studies to postgraduate Data Science students. In Proceedings of the 2nd Data Power Conference 2017. https://carleton.ca/datapower/wp-content/uploads/DataPower2017_Program_FINAL-2-1.pdf
4. A Data Science Course for Undergraduates: Thinking With Data
5. H. Chang F. W. Ngunjiri and K. C. Henandez. 2013. Collaborative Autoethnography. Taylor and Francis Oxon. H. Chang F. W. Ngunjiri and K. C. Henandez. 2013. Collaborative Autoethnography. Taylor and Francis Oxon.