1. Next steps for sustainable HCI
2. SHCI Wiki Blog Post: Sustainability @ CHI 2017; https://scc-shci-wiki.lancs.ac.uk/wordpress/?p=282 SHCI Wiki Blog Post: Sustainability @ CHI 2017; https://scc-shci-wiki.lancs.ac.uk/wordpress/?p=282
3. CHI 2017 Day of Service; https://chi2017.acm.org/day-of-service.html CHI 2017 Day of Service; https://chi2017.acm.org/day-of-service.html
4. CHI4Good or Good4CHI
5. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist - The Doomsday Clock; http://thebulletin.org/clock/2017 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist - The Doomsday Clock; http://thebulletin.org/clock/2017