1. www.cerias.purdue.edu/events/accenture_cta_1q2001.pdf www.cerias.purdue.edu/events/accenture_cta_1q2001.pdf
2. Julie J. C. H. Ryan Daniel J. Ryan "Institutional and Professional Liability in Information Assurance Education" George Washigton University. Julie J. C. H. Ryan Daniel J. Ryan "Institutional and Professional Liability in Information Assurance Education" George Washigton University.
3. Dieter Gollamann "Computer Security" John Wiley & Sons 1999. Dieter Gollamann "Computer Security" John Wiley & Sons 1999.
4. Wade Trappe Larry Washington "Introduction to Cryptography" Prentice Hall 2002. Wade Trappe Larry Washington "Introduction to Cryptography" Prentice Hall 2002.