1. Phil Ayres , Soraya Bornaz , Adam Orlinski , Moritz Heimrath , and Alison Grace Martin . 2020. Architectural Scale Kagome Weaving: Design methods and fabrication concepts . In FABRICATE: Design & Making . UCL Press , 178--185. Phil Ayres, Soraya Bornaz, Adam Orlinski, Moritz Heimrath, and Alison Grace Martin. 2020. Architectural Scale Kagome Weaving: Design methods and fabrication concepts. In FABRICATE: Design & Making. UCL Press, 178--185.
2. Phil Ayres , Alison Grace Martin, and Mateusz Zwierzycki . 2018 . Beyond the basket case: A principled approach to the modelling of kagome weave patterns for the fabrication of interlaced lattice structures using straight strips. In Adv. in Architectural Geometry . 72--93. Phil Ayres, Alison Grace Martin, and Mateusz Zwierzycki. 2018. Beyond the basket case: A principled approach to the modelling of kagome weave patterns for the fabrication of interlaced lattice structures using straight strips. In Adv. in Architectural Geometry. 72--93.
3. Smooth Triaxial Weaving with Naturally Curved Ribbons
4. Wilhelm Blaschke and Gerrit Bol. 1938. Geometrie der Gewebe. Springer. Wilhelm Blaschke and Gerrit Bol. 1938. Geometrie der Gewebe. Springer.
5. Alexander I. Bobenko and Yuri B . Suris . 2008 . Discrete differential geometry. Integrable structure. Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 98 . American Mathematical Society , Providence, RI. Alexander I. Bobenko and Yuri B. Suris. 2008. Discrete differential geometry. Integrable structure. Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 98. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI.