1. AGEDIS Consortium AGEDIS modeling language specification http://www.agedis.de.]] AGEDIS Consortium AGEDIS modeling language specification http://www.agedis.de.]]
2. AGEDIS Consortium Intermediate Language 2.0 with Test Directives Specification http://www.agedis.de.]] AGEDIS Consortium Intermediate Language 2.0 with Test Directives Specification http://www.agedis.de.]]
3. AGEDIS Consortium Test Suite Specification http://www.agedis.de.]] AGEDIS Consortium Test Suite Specification http://www.agedis.de.]]
4. Becker P. Model based testing helps Sun Microsystems remove software defects. Builder.com http://builder.com.com/5100-6315-1064538.html]] Becker P. Model based testing helps Sun Microsystems remove software defects. Builder.com http://builder.com.com/5100-6315-1064538.html]]