1. H. Assasa and T. Ropitault. 2019. A Collection of Open-source Tools to Simulate IEEE 802.11ad/ay WLAN Networks in ns-3. https://github.com/wigig-tools H. Assasa and T. Ropitault. 2019. A Collection of Open-source Tools to Simulate IEEE 802.11ad/ay WLAN Networks in ns-3. https://github.com/wigig-tools
2. G. Brown O. Koymen and M. Branda. 2016. The Promise of 5G mmWave -- How Do We Make It Mobile? https://www.qualcomm.com/media/documents/files/the-promise-of-5g-mmwave-how-do-we-make-it-mobile.pdf G. Brown O. Koymen and M. Branda. 2016. The Promise of 5G mmWave -- How Do We Make It Mobile? https://www.qualcomm.com/media/documents/files/the-promise-of-5g-mmwave-how-do-we-make-it-mobile.pdf
3. IEEE Standard for Information Technology--Telecommunications and Information Exchange between Systems Local and Metropolitan Area Networks--Specific Requirements - Part 11;IEEE P802.11 Group for Wireless Local Area Networks (LANs).;IEEE Std,2016