Deterministic Edge Connectivity in Near-Linear Time


Kawarabayashi Ken-Ichi1,Thorup Mikkel2


1. National Institute of Informatics, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

2. BARC, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


We present a deterministic algorithm that computes the edge-connectivity of a graph in near-linear time. This is for a simple undirected unweighted graph G with n vertices and m edges. This is the first o ( mn ) time deterministic algorithm for the problem. Our algorithm is easily extended to find a concrete minimum edge-cut. In fact, we can construct the classic cactus representation of all minimum cuts in near-linear time. The previous fastest deterministic algorithm by Gabow from STOC '91 took Õ( m2 n ), where λ is the edge connectivity, but λ can be as big as n −1. Karger presented a randomized near-linear time Monte Carlo algorithm for the minimum cut problem at STOC’96, but the returned cut is only minimum with high probability. Our main technical contribution is a near-linear time algorithm that contracts vertex sets of a simple input graph G with minimum degree Δ, producing a multigraph Ḡ with Õ( m /Δ) edges, which preserves all minimum cuts of G with at least two vertices on each side. In our deterministic near-linear time algorithm, we will decompose the problem via low-conductance cuts found using PageRank a la Brin and Page (1998), as analyzed by Andersson, Chung, and Lang at FOCS’06. Normally, such algorithms for low-conductance cuts are randomized Monte Carlo algorithms, because they rely on guessing a good start vertex. However, in our case, we have so much structure that no guessing is needed.


VILLUM Foundation


Danish Council for Independent Research

JST ERATO Kawarabayashi Large Graph Project

Basic Algorithms Research Copenhage

Investigator Grant


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Artificial Intelligence,Hardware and Architecture,Information Systems,Control and Systems Engineering,Software

Reference31 articles.

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1. Generalized cut trees for edge-connectivity;Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B;2024-03

2. A Deterministic Almost-Linear Time Algorithm for Minimum-Cost Flow;2023 IEEE 64th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS);2023-11-06

3. Minimum+1 ( s, t )-cuts and Dual-edge Sensitivity Oracle;ACM Transactions on Algorithms;2023-10-14

4. Activities of National Institute of Informatics in Japan;Communications of the ACM;2023-06-22

5. Maximum Length-Constrained Flows and Disjoint Paths: Distributed, Deterministic, and Fast;Proceedings of the 55th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing;2023-06-02







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