1. Hadi Abdullah , Washington Garcia , Christian Peeters , Patrick Traynor , Kevin RB Butler, and Joseph Wilson . 2019 . Practical hidden voice attacks against speech and speaker recognition systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.05734 (2019). Hadi Abdullah, Washington Garcia, Christian Peeters, Patrick Traynor, Kevin RB Butler, and Joseph Wilson. 2019. Practical hidden voice attacks against speech and speaker recognition systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.05734 (2019).
2. Hear "No Evil", See "Kenansville"*: Efficient and Transferable Black-Box Attacks on Speech Recognition and Voice Identification Systems
3. SoK: The Faults in our ASRs: An Overview of Attacks against Automatic Speech Recognition and Speaker Identification Systems
4. Last accessed. 2022. Android app which enables unlock of mobile phone via voice print. https://app.mi.com/details?id=com.jie.lockscreen Last accessed. 2022. Android app which enables unlock of mobile phone via voice print. https://app.mi.com/details?id=com.jie.lockscreen
5. Last accessed. 2022. Social software wechat adds voiceprint lock login function. https://kf.qq.com/touch/wxappfaq/ 1208117b2mai141125YZjAra.html Last accessed. 2022. Social software wechat adds voiceprint lock login function. https://kf.qq.com/touch/wxappfaq/ 1208117b2mai141125YZjAra.html