1. C. Bormann. CoAP Simple Congestion Control/Advanced (work in progress) August 2012. C. Bormann. CoAP Simple Congestion Control/Advanced (work in progress) August 2012.
2. C. Bormann and Z. Shelby. Blockwise transfers in CoAP (work in progress) Feb. 2013. C. Bormann and Z. Shelby. Blockwise transfers in CoAP (work in progress) Feb. 2013.
3. Crossbow Technology Inc. TelosB mote platform 2009. Crossbow Technology Inc. TelosB mote platform 2009.
4. A high-throughput path metric for multi-hop wireless routing
5. R. T. Fielding. Architectural styles and the design of network-based software architectures. PhD thesis 2000. AAI9980887. R. T. Fielding. Architectural styles and the design of network-based software architectures. PhD thesis 2000. AAI9980887.