1. J. Squires , “ Russ monitor of U.S. phones ,” Chicago Tribune pp. 123 , June 25, 1975 . J. Squires, “Russ monitor of U.S. phones,” Chicago Tribune pp. 123, June 25, 1975.
2. Remedies sought to defeat Soviet eavesdropping on microwave links;Davis R.;Microwave Syst.,1978
3. Supplementary Detailed Staff Reports on Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans , Final Report of the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities , Report No. 94-755, Book 3 ( Washington, DC : U.S. Government Printing Office) , 1976 . Supplementary Detailed Staff Reports on Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans, Final Report of the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, Report No. 94-755, Book 3 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office), 1976.
4. Speech Analysis Synthesis and Perception
5. D. Raj Reddy , Speech Recognition . New York : Academic Press , 1975 . D. Raj Reddy, Speech Recognition. New York: Academic Press, 1975.