1. Alexander W.G. How a programming language is used. Rep. CSRG-10 Comptr. Res. Group U. of Toronto Toronto Canada Feb. 1972. Alexander W.G. How a programming language is used. Rep. CSRG-10 Comptr. Res. Group U. of Toronto Toronto Canada Feb. 1972.
2. Arbuckle R.A. Computer analysis and thruput evaluation. Computers and Automation (Jan. 1966) 12-15 and 19. Arbuckle R.A. Computer analysis and thruput evaluation. Computers and Automation (Jan. 1966) 12-15 and 19.
3. Connors W.D. Mercer V.S. and Sorlini T.A. S/360 instruction usage distribution. Rep. TR 00.2025 IBM Systems Development Div. Poughkeepsie N.Y. May 8 1970. Connors W.D. Mercer V.S. and Sorlini T.A. S/360 instruction usage distribution. Rep. TR 00.2025 IBM Systems Development Div. Poughkeepsie N.Y. May 8 1970.
4. Measures of Op-Code Utilization