1. John A. Bland , Walter Alan Cantrell , C. Daniel Colvett, Katia P. Mayfield, Mikel D. Petty, and Tymaine S. Whitaker. 2020 . Machine Learning Cyberattack Strategies with Petri Nets with Players, Strategies, and Costs. In National Cyber Summit (NCS) Research Track, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Thomas H. Morris, and Gilbert L. Peterson (Eds.). Springer International Publishing , Huntsville, AL, 232--247. John A. Bland, Walter Alan Cantrell, C. Daniel Colvett, Katia P. Mayfield, Mikel D. Petty, and Tymaine S. Whitaker. 2020. Machine Learning Cyberattack Strategies with Petri Nets with Players, Strategies, and Costs. In National Cyber Summit (NCS) Research Track, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Thomas H. Morris, and Gilbert L. Peterson (Eds.). Springer International Publishing, Huntsville, AL, 232--247.
2. John A. Bland , Walter Alan Cantrell , C. Daniel Colvett, Katia P. Mayfield, Mikel D. Petty, and Tymaine S. Whitaker. 2020 . Machine Learning Cyberattack Strategies with Petri Nets with Players, Strategies, and Costs. In National Cyber Summit (NCS) Research Track, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Thomas H. Morris, and Gilbert L. Peterson (Eds.). Springer International Publishing , Huntsville, AL, 232--247. John A. Bland, Walter Alan Cantrell, C. Daniel Colvett, Katia P. Mayfield, Mikel D. Petty, and Tymaine S. Whitaker. 2020. Machine Learning Cyberattack Strategies with Petri Nets with Players, Strategies, and Costs. In National Cyber Summit (NCS) Research Track, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Thomas H. Morris, and Gilbert L. Peterson (Eds.). Springer International Publishing, Huntsville, AL, 232--247.
3. Machine Learning Cyberattack and Defense Strategies
4. Walter Alan Cantrell , Katia P. Mayfield , Mikel D. Petty , Tymaine S. Whitaker , and John A. Bland . 2018. Structured Face Validation of Extended Petri Nets for Modeling Cyberattacks . In Proceedings of the 2017 AlaSim International Conference and Exposition , Huntsville, AL. Alabama Modeling & Simulation Council, Huntsville, AL, 123--139. Walter Alan Cantrell, Katia P. Mayfield, Mikel D. Petty, Tymaine S. Whitaker, and John A. Bland. 2018. Structured Face Validation of Extended Petri Nets for Modeling Cyberattacks. In Proceedings of the 2017 AlaSim International Conference and Exposition, Huntsville, AL. Alabama Modeling & Simulation Council, Huntsville, AL, 123--139.
5. Machine learning techniques applied to detect cyber attacks on web applications