1. The Demand for Researchers: Does Public R&D Support Make a Difference?
2. The impact of patent protection and financial development on industrial R&D
3. A Sectoral Analysis of Human Rights and FDI: Does Industry Type Matter?
4. Li Y Li F Li X. Environmental Regulation Digital Inclusive Finance and Urban Industrial Upgrading-Analysis Based on Spatial Spillover Effect and Regulation Effect[J].Inquiry into Economic Issues 2022(01):50-66. Li Y Li F Li X. Environmental Regulation Digital Inclusive Finance and Urban Industrial Upgrading-Analysis Based on Spatial Spillover Effect and Regulation Effect[J].Inquiry into Economic Issues 2022(01):50-66.
5. The ex ante assessment of knowledge spillovers: Government R&D policy, economic incentives and private firm behavior[J];Feldman M P;Research Policy