1. Shi N et al "Online Versus Face to Face College Courses" The Alan Shawn Feinstein Graduate School at ScholarsArchive@JWU May 1 2011. Shi N et al "Online Versus Face to Face College Courses" The Alan Shawn Feinstein Graduate School at ScholarsArchive@JWU May 1 2011.
2. Study says many online students prefer face-to-face classes April 25 2013 http://articles.latimes.com/2013/apr/25/local/la-me-ln-study-online-20130425. Study says many online students prefer face-to-face classes April 25 2013 http://articles.latimes.com/2013/apr/25/local/la-me-ln-study-online-20130425.
3. Virtual classrooms and MOOCs (massive open online courses) are growing rapidly but students still prefer face-to-face interaction. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/06/11/real-classrooms-better-than-virtual/2412401/. Virtual classrooms and MOOCs (massive open online courses) are growing rapidly but students still prefer face-to-face interaction. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/06/11/real-classrooms-better-than-virtual/2412401/.
4. The Benefits of Face-to-Face Interaction in the Online Freshman Composition Course Samuel B Howard http://jolt.merlot.org/vol5no4/howard_1209.htm. The Benefits of Face-to-Face Interaction in the Online Freshman Composition Course Samuel B Howard http://jolt.merlot.org/vol5no4/howard_1209.htm.