1. Z. AI Chami , H. Manier , M.-A. Manier , and C. Fitouri . 2017. A hybrid genetic algorithm to solve a multi-objective Pickup and Delivery Problem . In IFAC Papers Online , Vol. 50 . Elsevier, 14656--14661. Z. AI Chami, H. Manier, M.-A. Manier, and C. Fitouri. 2017. A hybrid genetic algorithm to solve a multi-objective Pickup and Delivery Problem. In IFAC Papers Online, Vol. 50. Elsevier, 14656--14661.
2. HypE: An Algorithm for Fast Hypervolume-Based Many-Objective Optimization
3. M. Blocho and J. Nalepa . 2017 . LCS-Based Selective Route Exchange Crossover for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows. In Proc. EvoCOP (Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 10197). 124-- 140 . M. Blocho and J. Nalepa. 2017. LCS-Based Selective Route Exchange Crossover for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows. In Proc. EvoCOP (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10197). 124--140.
4. An Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization Algorithm Using Reference-Point-Based Nondominated Sorting Approach, Part I: Solving Problems With Box Constraints
5. Evaluating the ε-Domination Based Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for a Quick Computation of Pareto-Optimal Solutions