1. Home page of the Hugs system. http://www.haskell.org/hugs.]] Home page of the Hugs system. http://www.haskell.org/hugs.]]
2. World wide web consortium workshop on web services. http://www.w3.org/2001/03/WSWS-popa/paper51 Apr. 2001.]] World wide web consortium workshop on web services. http://www.w3.org/2001/03/WSWS-popa/paper51 Apr. 2001.]]
3. AulaNet project homepage. http://www.aulanet.uniovi.es/ 2002.]] AulaNet project homepage. http://www.aulanet.uniovi.es/ 2002.]]
4. Home page of the WebCT system. http://www.webct.com 2002.]] Home page of the WebCT system. http://www.webct.com 2002.]]
5. Integrated Development Environment Frameworks based on Internet and eXtensible Technologies: IDEFIX project. http://www.di.uniovi.es/aplt/idefix 2002.]] Integrated Development Environment Frameworks based on Internet and eXtensible Technologies: IDEFIX project. http://www.di.uniovi.es/aplt/idefix 2002.]]