1. The Role of Domain Expenence in Software Design
2. Ararlgo G. Domain Analysis: From art form to engineering discipline. In Procedings qf the l<!tTh internation.a: Work:.h~ on S@wa.re Specfica.. tion and Desw (Pittsburgh Pa. Maw !989) ]] 10.1145/75199.75224 Ararlgo G. Domain Analysis: From art form to engineering discipline. In Procedings qf the l<!tTh internation.a: Work:.h~ on S@wa.re Specfica.. tion and Desw (Pittsburgh Pa. Maw !989) ]] 10.1145/75199.75224
3. AT&T Technical Journal 64 1 (Jan. 1985) Part 2. Special Issue on the System 75 Digital Communications System.]] AT&T Technical Journal 64 1 (Jan. 1985) Part 2. Special Issue on the System 75 Digital Communications System.]]