1. Baecker R. M. and Buxton W.A.S. (1987) Reading in Human-Computer Interaction: A multidisciplinary Approach. San Mateo CA: Morgan Kaufmann Pubs. Baecker R. M. and Buxton W.A.S. (1987) Reading in Human-Computer Interaction: A multidisciplinary Approach. San Mateo CA: Morgan Kaufmann Pubs.
2. Dix A. Finaly J. Abowd G. and Beale R. (1993) Human Computer Interaction. Prentice-Hall International. Dix A. Finaly J. Abowd G. and Beale R. (1993) Human Computer Interaction. Prentice-Hall International.
3. Foley J. D. van Dam A. Feiner S. K. & Hughes J. F.(1990). Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice (2nd edition). Reading MA: Addison-Wesley. Foley J. D. van Dam A. Feiner S. K. & Hughes J. F.(1990). Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice (2nd edition). Reading MA: Addison-Wesley.
4. 1989 computer graphics education directory
5. Hix D. and Harrson R. (1993). Developing User Interfaces. New York: Wiley. Hix D. and Harrson R. (1993). Developing User Interfaces. New York: Wiley.