1. The rapport multimedia conferencing system
2. Allman Eric. "An Introduction to the Source Code Control System; Project Ingres " University of California at Berkeley; working paper 1980. Allman Eric. "An Introduction to the Source Code Control System; Project Ingres " University of California at Berkeley; working paper 1980.
3. Comer D. E. Internetworking with TCP/IP Prentice-Hall NJ 1988. Comer D. E. Internetworking with TCP/IP Prentice-Hall NJ 1988.
4. Coulouris George F. and Dollimore Jean Distributed Systems Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 1988. Coulouris George F. and Dollimore Jean Distributed Systems Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 1988.
5. MMConf: an infrastructure for building shared multimedia applications