1. GREGORY R. T. AND HARNE D. L. A Collection of Matrices {or Testing Computational Algorithms. John Wiley New York (1969). GREGORY R. T. AND HARNE D. L. A Collection of Matrices {or Testing Computational Algorithms. John Wiley New York (1969).
2. RICE J.R. Matrix Computations and Mathematical Software. McGraw-Hill New York (1981). RICE J.R. Matrix Computations and Mathematical Software. McGraw-Hill New York (1981).
3. WESTLAKE J. R. A Handbook of Numerical Matrix Inversion and Systems of Linear Equations. John Wiley New York (1968). WESTLAKE J. R. A Handbook of Numerical Matrix Inversion and Systems of Linear Equations. John Wiley New York (1968).