1. AES encryption P4 implementation. https://github.com/chenxiaoqino/p4projects/tree/master/AES.p4app.
2. Workshop on Self-Driving Networks-Report. https://nsf-srn-2018.cs.princeton.edu/nsf-srn-report.pdf.
3. The P4 Language Specification Version 1.0.5. https://p4.org/p4-spec/p4-14/v1.0.5/tex/p4.pdf, November 2018.
4. Apache Thrift API. https://thrift.apache.org/.
5. Pat Bosshart, Glen Gibb, Hun-Seok Kim, George Varghese, Nick McKeown, Martin Izzard, Fernando Mujica, and Mark Horowitz. Forwarding metamorphosis: Fast programmable match-action processing in hardware for sdn. ACM SIGCOMM, 2013.