1. Yuxiang Lin , Wei Dong , Yi Gao , and Tao Gu . SateLoc: A virtual fingerprinting approach to outdoor LoRa localization using satellite images. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), 17(4):1--28 , July 2021 . Yuxiang Lin, Wei Dong, Yi Gao, and Tao Gu. SateLoc: A virtual fingerprinting approach to outdoor LoRa localization using satellite images. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), 17(4):1--28, July 2021.
2. Atul Bansal , Akshay Gadre , Vaibhav Singh , Anthony Rowe , Bob Iannucci , and Swarun Kumar . OwLL : Accurate LoRa Localization using the TV Whitespaces . In Proceedings of ACM/IEEE IPSN , 2021 . Atul Bansal, Akshay Gadre, Vaibhav Singh, Anthony Rowe, Bob Iannucci, and Swarun Kumar. OwLL: Accurate LoRa Localization using the TV Whitespaces. In Proceedings of ACM/IEEE IPSN, 2021.
3. Deepak Vasisht , Swarun Kumar , and Dina Katabi . Decimeter-Level localization with a single WiFi access point . In Proceedings of USENIX NSDI , 2016 . Deepak Vasisht, Swarun Kumar, and Dina Katabi. Decimeter-Level localization with a single WiFi access point. In Proceedings of USENIX NSDI, 2016.
4. SpotFi
5. Minding the Billions