1. Deep Versus Wide Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Recognition on Neuromorphic System
2. Suyog Gupta Andrew Howard. 2019. Introducing the Next Generation of On-Device Vision Models: MobileNetV3 and MobileNetEdgeTPU. https://ai.googleblog.com/2019/11/introducing-next-generation-on-device.html Suyog Gupta Andrew Howard. 2019. Introducing the Next Generation of On-Device Vision Models: MobileNetV3 and MobileNetEdgeTPU. https://ai.googleblog.com/2019/11/introducing-next-generation-on-device.html
3. Han Cai , Jiacheng Yang , Weinan Zhang , Song Han , and Yong Yu . 2018 . Path-Level Network Transformation for Efficient Architecture Search . In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2018, Stock-holmsmässan , Stockholm, Sweden, July 10--15 , 2018 (Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Vol. 80), Jennifer G. Dy and Andreas Krause (Eds.). PMLR, 677--686. http://proceedings.mlr.press/v80/cai18a.html Han Cai, Jiacheng Yang, Weinan Zhang, Song Han, and Yong Yu. 2018. Path-Level Network Transformation for Efficient Architecture Search. In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2018, Stock-holmsmässan, Stockholm, Sweden, July 10--15, 2018 (Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Vol. 80), Jennifer G. Dy and Andreas Krause (Eds.). PMLR, 677--686. http://proceedings.mlr.press/v80/cai18a.html
4. Deep Learning with Low Precision by Half-Wave Gaussian Quantization
5. Hexagon DSP: An Architecture Optimized for Mobile Multimedia and Communications