1. Clinical photography in dermatology using smartphones: An overview
2. Rebecca Jane Bennett . 2018. Investigating problems associated with hearing aid use: The importance of hearing aid management skills. Ph. D. Dissertation . The University of Western Australia . Rebecca Jane Bennett. 2018. Investigating problems associated with hearing aid use: The importance of hearing aid management skills. Ph. D. Dissertation. The University of Western Australia.
3. Are hearing aid owners able to identify and self-report handling difficulties? A pilot study
4. Christopher G Brennan-Jones , Robert H Eikelboom , De Wet Swanepoel , Peter L Friedland, and Marcus D Atlas. 2016 . Clinical validation of automated audiometry with continuous noise-monitoring in a clinically heterogeneous population outside a sound-treated environment. International journal of audiology 55, 9 (2016), 507--513. Christopher G Brennan-Jones, Robert H Eikelboom, De Wet Swanepoel, Peter L Friedland, and Marcus D Atlas. 2016. Clinical validation of automated audiometry with continuous noise-monitoring in a clinically heterogeneous population outside a sound-treated environment. International journal of audiology 55, 9 (2016), 507--513.
5. Joy Buolamwini and Timnit Gebru . 2018 . Gender shades: Intersectional accuracy disparities in commercial gender classification . In Conference on fairness, accountability and transparency. PMLR, 77--91 . Joy Buolamwini and Timnit Gebru. 2018. Gender shades: Intersectional accuracy disparities in commercial gender classification. In Conference on fairness, accountability and transparency. PMLR, 77--91.