1. Mamoun Alazab , Robert Layton , Roderic Broadhurst , and Brigitte Bouhours . 2013. Malicious spam emails developments and authorship attribution. In 2013 fourth cybercrime and trustworthy computing workshop . IEEE , 58--68. Mamoun Alazab, Robert Layton, Roderic Broadhurst, and Brigitte Bouhours. 2013. Malicious spam emails developments and authorship attribution. In 2013 fourth cybercrime and trustworthy computing workshop. IEEE, 58--68.
2. Clustering and classification of email contents
3. A Case Study of Phishing Incident Response in an Educational Organization
4. A Review of Human- and Computer-Facing URL Phishing Features
5. Mihael Ankerst , Markus M Breunig , Hans-Peter Kriegel , and Jörg Sander . 1999 . OPTICS: Ordering points to identify the clustering structure. ACM Sigmod record , Vol. 28 , 2 (1999), 49--60. Mihael Ankerst, Markus M Breunig, Hans-Peter Kriegel, and Jörg Sander. 1999. OPTICS: Ordering points to identify the clustering structure. ACM Sigmod record, Vol. 28, 2 (1999), 49--60.