Exploring Data Layout for Sparse Tensor Times Dense Matrix on GPUs


Ahmad Khalid1,Cecka Cris2,Garland Michael2,Hall Mary1


1. University of Utah, USA

2. NVIDIA Corporation, USA


An important sparse tensor computation is sparse-tensor-dense-matrix multiplication (SpTM), which is used in tensor decomposition and applications. SpTM is a multi-dimensional analog to sparse-matrix-dense-matrix multiplication (SpMM). In this paper, we employ a hierarchical tensor data layout that can unfold a multidimensional tensor to derive a 2D matrix, making it possible to compute SpTM using SpMM kernel implementations for GPUs. We compare two SpMM implementations to the state-of-the-art PASTA sparse tensor contraction implementation using: (1) SpMM with hierarchical tensor data layout; and, (2) unfolding followed by an invocation of cuSPARSE’s SpMM. Results show that SpMM can outperform PASTA 70.9% of the time, but none of the three approaches is best overall. Therefore, we use a decision tree classifier to identify the best performing sparse tensor contraction kernel based on precomputed properties of the sparse tensor.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Hardware and Architecture,Information Systems,Software

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