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3. 2019. U.S. Smart Speaker Ownership Rises 40% in 2018 to 66.4 Million and Amazon Echo Maintains Market Share Lead Says New Report from Voicebot - Voicebot. https://voicebot.ai/2019/03/07/u-s-smart-speaker-own ership-rises-40-in-2018-to-66--4-million-and-amazo n-echo-maintains-market-share-lead-says-new-repor t-from-voicebot/. (2019). (Accessed on 09/18/2019). 2019. U.S. Smart Speaker Ownership Rises 40% in 2018 to 66.4 Million and Amazon Echo Maintains Market Share Lead Says New Report from Voicebot - Voicebot. https://voicebot.ai/2019/03/07/u-s-smart-speaker-own ership-rises-40-in-2018-to-66--4-million-and-amazo n-echo-maintains-market-share-lead-says-new-repor t-from-voicebot/. (2019). (Accessed on 09/18/2019).
4. A practical methodology for speech source localization with microphone arrays